Here are some samples of Robert Pound’s original music.

Click ‘listen’ underneath each piece or movement to hear a recording of the work. Excerpts of several scores are available for viewing as well. If you have any questions or would like complete scores and/or parts to any of Pound’s works, please inquire by e-mail.

For a complete list of works, click here.




(2011) for full orchestra (2+1,2,2,2/4,2,3,1 timp, 2 perc, strs). 4′
view score sample here | read program notes


symphonic mix

(2007) for string orchestra. 10′
view score excerpts | read program notes

irrational exuberance

(2005) for full orchestra (2*,2,2,2*/4,2,3,1 timp, 3 perc, strs). 13′
hear the NPR article on this work | view score excerpts
| read program notes

fêtes & fireworks

(2005) for full orchestra (2+1,2,2,2/4,2,3,1 strs). 6′
view score excerpts | read program notes

cover to cover

(2004) for full orchestra (2,2,2,2/4,2,3,1, timp, strs). 10′

view score excerpts | read program notes


a luminous jewel lone

(2002) for full orchestra (2*,2*,2*,2/4,2,3,1 timp, strs). 13′
view score excerpts | read program notes

when waters seethe in tumult, a lyric sermon

(1995) for baritone and chamber orchestra (2,2,2,2/2,2,1,0 bar solo, strs). 9′
listen | view score excerpts | read program notes
James Martin, bar. | Robert Pound, cond. | The Juilliard Orchestra

Vocal Chamber Music


Together and Together

(2014) settings of poems by Paul Muldoon
for two voices (one high, one low) and piano. 27′
Released by Albany Records on Relics of Memory August 1, 2020
Available via streaming, download, and CD | view score excerpts

Relics of Memory

(2014) settings of poems by Seamus Heaney
 for two voices (one high, one low) and piano. 24′
Released by Albany Records on Relics of Memory August 1, 2020
Available via streaming, download, and CD | view score excerpts


(2013) a setting of texts adapted from the letters of Rainer Maria Rilke
for soprano and string trio. 15′
view score excerpts

unquiet spirit

(2010-11) settings of poems by Maxine Kumin
for two singers (one high voice and one low voice) and piano. 20′
Released by Albany Records on Relics of Memory August 1, 2020
Available via streaming, download, and CD | view score excerpts

parta quies

(2008) for voice (high and low versions available) and piano. 5′
listen | view score excerpts
Dana Whiteside, bar. | Alison D’Amato, pn

the orbit of the soul

(2000) a setting of texts by Oscar Wilde
for voice (high and low versions available) and piano. 25′
Recording available at prestomusic | view score excerpts  | read Fanfare interview & review here

Instrumental Chamber Music


Sonata in Memoriam Lloyd Arriola

(2015-2020) for solo piano. 60′
view a performance
Charles Hulin IV, piano


Just Paths

(2018) for solo viola. 8′
view score excerpt | view the premiere performance
Peter Minkler, viola

String Quartet no. 2

(2016) Premiered October 1, 2016 by the Amernet Quartet. 45′


(2015) for solo viola. 10′
view score exerpt

behold, this dreamer cometh

(2015) for flute, violin, trombone, vibraphone and piano. 10′
view score excerpts


 (2015) for saxophone quartet. 3′
view score excerpts

chaconne & chaser

(2015) for bass clarinet and marimba. 6′
view premiere performance | view score excerpts | read program notes
Elisabeth Stimpert, bass clarinet | Erik Forst, marimba


dove il diablo ha la coda or the devil’s due:

his own petit concert(o) gross(o)

(2015) for violin, double bass, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, trombone and percussion. 6.5′
listen to the premiere performance | view score excerpts | read program notes
Deviant Septet

goes around

(2012) for cello and piano. 12′
listen | view score excerpts | read program notes
The Murasaki Duo: Eric Kutz, vc | Miko Kominami, pn


(2012) for violin and piano. 15′
listen | view score excerpts
Helen Hwaya Kim, vn | Sakiko Ohashi, pn


lurid carnival

(2011) for woodwind quintet. 13′
listen | view score excerpts
Mary Hannigan, fl/pc | Jill Marchione, ob/eh | Elisabeth Stimpert, cl/bcl | Kimberly Buchar, bn/cbn | Tyler Ogilvie, hn


(2010) for tpt, hn, tbn. 13′
listen | view score excerpts | read program notes
Factory Seconds Brass Trio (Jack Sutte, tpt | Jesse McCormick, hn | Rick Stout, tbn)

step by step

(2009) for string quartet. 13′
listen | view score excerpts
Blanka Bednarz, vn | Ariadna Buonviri, vn | Christopher Para, va | Cheung Chau, vc

torso, an e.p.

(2009) for piano. 10′
view score excerpts

sleep cycle

(2008, 2010) for trumpet/flugelhorn and piano. 10′
recording commercially available here | view score excerpts | read program notes
Jack Sutte, tpt/flhn | Laurent Boukobza, pn

oedipus at colonus in nine fragmentary tableaux

(2008) for trombone quartet. 12′
view premiere performance here | view a multi-media performance of “creon” here | view score excerptsread program notes
NOVUS Trombone Quartet


(2006) for piano trio. 43′
listen | view score excerpts | read program notes
Eun-Ae Baik Kim, pn | Lina Bahn, vn | Lori Barnet, vc

creation fables

(2005) for flute, cello and piano. 28′
listen | view score excerpts| read program notes
see Rick Hamilton’s film incorporating excerpts of this work
Jennifer Blyth, pn | Jennifer Brown, fl | Kurt Fowler, vc

string quartet in five movements

(2003). 27′
listen | view score excerpts | read program notes
The Corigliano Quartet: Lina Bahn, vn | Michael Jinsoo Lim, vn | Melia Watras, va | Jeffrey Zeigler, vc

the dance of death

(2002) for piano trio. 10′
listen | view score excerpts | read program notes
Lina Bahn, vn | Jeffrey Zeigler, vc | Jennifer Blyth, pn

laps and lapses

(2001) for alto saxophone and cello. 9′
listen | view score excerpts | read program notes
Paul Bro, asx | Kurt Fowler, vc

music for trumpet

(2000). 10′
recording commercially available here | view score excerpts |
read program notes

when we three meet

(1999) for clarinet, bassoon and piano. 22′
listen | view score excerpts | read program notes
Caren Levine, pn | David Griffiths, cl | Evan Lewis, bn

clarion clack

(1997) for solo clarinet. 10′
listen | view score excerpts
Elisabeth Stimpert, cl

Relatively Two for Two

(1995) for violin and cello. 15′
view score excerpts

music for strings

(1995) for solo violin. 13′
listen | view score excerpts | read program notes

music for percussion

(1994) for timpani and piano. 14′
listen | view score excerpts | read program notes
Jonathan Fox, timpani | Yu-Pin Hsu, pn


post-jurisimprudence conferentiality

(1993) for solo trumpet.  5′
listen | view score excerpt
Ryan Anthony, trumpet

Choral Music

lenton ordynary

(2018) for SATB Choir and optional keyboard. 15′
listen | view score excerpts
David Hurd, Choir of the Cathedral of St. Mary the Virgin, NYC


(2011) Text by E. Louise Beach
for SATB choir, soloists (SATB), and string quartet. 50′
listen | view score excerpts
Eric Rosenstein, Julianna Burdick, Taylor Bell, Laura Costa, Matthew Linnehan, soloists | Dickinson College Collegium | Sean Parr, conductor



(2017) two operatic scenes for baritone, reciter, and piano. 18′

listen to the premiere performance | view score excerpts

#ChoralMusic #SacredMusic #OrchestralMusic #Orchestra #symphony #stringorchestra #woodwinds #organ #soprano #alto #tenor #bass #highvoice #lowvoice #symphonicband #concertband #youthorchestra #brass #choir #cello #flute #bassoon #composition #music #originalmusic #artmusic #newmusic #poetryandmusic #textsetting #classicalmusic #incidentalmusic #dramaticmusic #neoclassicism #modernmusic #progressivemusic #americana #counterpoint #chordprogression #harmony #melody #aleatoricmusic #minimalistmusic #serialmusic #neoromanticism #tonalmusic #tonality #atonality #atonalmusic #consonance #dissonance #accessible #musicandmedia #classicalmusic oon #timpani #trumpet #clarinet #overture #fanfare #concertmarch #ringform #chaconne #motet #prelude #songcycle #liturgicalmusic #mass #musicforlent #chambermusic #solo #duo #duet #piano #trio #pianotrio #quartet #stringquartet #brasstrio #woodwindquintet #trombonequartet #irrationalexuberance #Rilke #SeamusHeaney #PaulMuldoon #MaxineKumin #AEHousman #oedipusatcolonus #lhistoiredusoldat #sleepcycle #strindberg #thedanceofdeath #macbeth #OscarWilde